A field north of Kansas City International Airport caught fire after a gas pipeline exploded in the early evening hours of November 29, reports Fox 4 in Kansas City. Firefighters arrived on the scene at the 9600 block of Mellon’s Bridge Road in Platte County to find the field engulfed in flames.

Thankfully, the fire was in a remote field away from residences and officials reported no injuries. However, the Platte County Sheriff closed some roads to allow fire crews to access the area and contain the fire. The gas company shut off the gas on both sides of the burst pipe, reducing the gas pressure so the fire could burn out with the help of firefighters.

The cause of the explosion is under investigation and gas company crews are assessing the pipeline to make repairs so they can restore service.

Explosion Burns Can Happen Without Warning – Know What to Do

Gas lines are just one of many hazards that can cause an explosion and burn injuries without notice. You can find many hazards such as aerosol cans and propane tanks in homes across the nation. If mishandled or improperly stored, these containers can explode and cause injuries and property damage.

You can reduce the risk of explosions by following these tips:

  • Keep all pressurized canisters away from open flames and heat sources.
  • If you do not use your gas lines often, before using your stove or furnace make sure a professional checks your lines.
  • Report any unusual gas smells or damaged equipment to the gas company immediately.
  • Keep any flammable materials like lighter fluid or gasoline cans stored safely away from heat sources and out of the reach of children.
  • Make sure new gas appliances meet national safety standards.
  • Install gas leak detectors and change the batteries often.

If you suffer an injury in an explosion, the cause of the explosion will determine if you have a right to file a claim for damages against the at-fault party. In the case of a pipeline explosion, causes could be workers rupturing the pipe or the gas company allowing excessive pressure in the line. In this case, there were no injuries reported and the cause of the explosion is still under investigation.

If an explosion injures you, speak with a burn injury lawyer to learn about your rights. The Burn Victims Resource team can connect you to injury lawyers in your area who focus on burn injury claims. Call 844-549-8774 to speak with our lawyer referral specialists.